Thursday, March 19, 2009

Truck topper comparison

Ok, I've narrowed it down to these two toppers. They are both in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. If all goes as planned, I gonna drive down there on the afternoon of Easter Sunday, spend the night in Hattiesburg, get up super early and hopefully be at the dealer's by 10. They say it'll only take about an hour to install it. Then maybe I can go sit at the beach for a little bit and then turn around and head for home. Except, I'm thinking about stopping at a State Park in Mississippi that evening and sleeping in the camper for the first time (i'll have my mattress and a few other conveniences packed away in a plastic tub to pull out and put together when I get to the State Park). That way, as I lay there, I can begin to envision all the additions I want to make to the inside to "vandwell" it up and make it a nice cozy little nest!! I'll start making my measurements and making a list of things to do while I'm chillin there that night. Plus at this particular park I want to stay at, there are a lot of CCC buildings that I would love to see!

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